中心簡介 / 同仁通訊錄


姓名: 劉柏宏( Bo-Hong Liu )
分機: 7275
電子郵件: liu.bh@nsrrc.org.tw
  • Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.), Free University of Berlin (2015)
  • MSc in Chemistry, National Taiwan University (2008)
  • BSc in Chemistry, National Taiwan University (2006)
  • Assistant Research Scientist, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (2020.04~ present)
  • Postdoc Researcher, Chemical Science Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA (2018.07~ 2020.03)
  • Postdoc Researcher, Department of Materials Science & Engineering of Northwestern University, USA (2016.04 ~ 2018.06)
  • Doctoral Researcher, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany (2011.02 ~ 2015.12)
  • Research Assistant, Genomic Research Center at Academia Sinica (2009.07 ~ 2011.01)  
  • TLS 24A 光束線經理
  • TPS 43A 建造團隊成員
  • Application of APXPS(ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) and XAS (X-ray absorption spectroscopy) on surface science, catalysis and in situ investigation of solid-liquid interfaces
  • Cheng, S.-H.; Chang, C.-H.; Velasco-Velez, J.-J.; Liu, B.-H.*, Soft X-ray Induced Radiation Damage in Dip-and-Pull Photon Absorption and Photoelectron Emission Experiments. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2024, 128 (34), 14381-14387.
  • Iputera, K.; Yi, C.-H.; Huang, J.-Y.; Nakayama, M.; Liu, B.-H.; Wang, C.-H.; Yang, Y.-W.; Liu, R.-S.*, In situ ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study on O2/H2O-assisted Na–CO2 batteries. Journal of Energy Storage 2024, 100, 113467.
  • Hsueh, J.-W.; Kuo, L.-H.; Chen, P.-H.; Chen, W.-H.; Chuang, C.-Y.; Kuo, C.-N.; Lue, C.-S.; Lai, Y.-L.; Liu, B.-H.; Wang, C.-H.; Hsu, Y.-J.; Lin, C.-L.; Chou, J.-P.; Luo, M.-F.*, Investigating the role of undercoordinated Pt sites at the surface of layered PtTe2 for methanol decomposition. Nature Communications 2024, 15 (1), 653.
  • Liu, B.-H.*; Huber, M.; van Spronsen, M. A.; Salmeron, M.; Bluhm, H., Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Room-Temperature Oxygen Adsorption on Cu (100) and Cu (111). Applied Surface Science 2022, 152438.
  • Kuan, C.-H.; Chih, J.-M.; Chen, Y.-C.; Liu, B.-H.; Wang, C.-H.; Hou, C.-H.; Shyue, J.-J.; Diau, E. W.-G.*, Additive Engineering with Triple Cations and Bifunctional Sulfamic Acid for Tin Perovskite Solar Cells Attaining a PCE Value of 12.5% without Hysteresis. ACS Energy Letters 2022, 7, 4436-4442.
  • Wang, C.-H.; Liu, B.-H.; Yang, Y.-W., Ambient Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (APXPS): Present Status and Future Development at NSRRC. Synchrotron Radiation News 2022, 35 (3), 48-53.
  • Kersell, H.; Chen, P.; Martins, H.; Lu, Q.; Brausse, F.; Liu, B.-H.; Blum, M.; Roy, S.; Rude, B.; Kilcoyne, A.; Bluhm, H.; Nemsak, S.*, Simultaneous ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and grazing incidence x-ray scattering in gas environments. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2021, 92 (4), 044102.
  • Dey, A. B.*; Sanyal, M. K.; Keane, D. T.; Campbell, G. P.; Liu, B.-H.; Farrer, I.; Ritchie, D. A.; Bedzyk, M. J., X-ray atomic mapping of quantum dots. Physical Review Materials 2020, 4 (5), 056002.
  • Liu, B.-H.; Groot, I. M. N.; Pan, Q.; Shaikhutdinov, S.*; Freund, H. J., Ultrathin Zn and ZnO films on Cu(111) as model catalysts. Applied Catalysis A: General 2017, 548, 16-23.
  • Liu, B.-H.; Boscoboinik, J. A.; Cui, Y.; Shaikhutdinov, S.*; Freund, H. J., Stabilization of Ultrathin Zinc Oxide Films on Metals: Reconstruction vs Hydroxylation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2015, 119, 7842-7847.
  • Liu, B.-H.; McBriarty, M. E.; Bedzyk, M. J.; Shaikhutdinov, S.*; Freund, H.-J., Structural Transformations of Zinc Oxide Layers on Pt(111). Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118 (49), 28725-28729.
  • Shiotari, A.; Liu, B.-H.; Jaekel, S.; Grill, L.; Shaikhutdinov, S.; Freund, H.-J.; Wolf, M.; Kumagai, T.*, Local Characterization of Ultrathin ZnO Layers on Ag(111) by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118 (47), 27428-27435.
  • Pan, Q.; Liu, B.-H.; McBriarty, M. E.; Martynova, Y.; Groot, I. M. N.; Wang, S.; Bedzyk, M. J.; Shaikhutdinov, S.*; Freund, H. J., Reactivity of Ultra-Thin ZnO Films Supported by Ag(111) and Cu(111): A Comparison to ZnO/Pt(111). Catalysis Letters 2014, 144 (4), 648-655.
  • Martynova, Y.; Liu, B.-H.; McBriarty, M. E.; Groot, I. M. N.; Bedzyk, M. J.; Shaikhutdinov, S.*; Freund, H. J., CO oxidation over ZnO films on Pt(111) at near-atmospheric pressures. Journal of Catalysis 2013, 301, 227-232.
  • Lai, Y. H.; Wang, C. C.; Chen, C. W.; Liu, B.-H.; Lin, S. H.; Lee, Y. T.; Wang, Y. S.*, Analysis of Initial Reactions of MALDI Based on Chemical Properties of Matrixes and Excitation Condition. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2012, 116 (32), 9635-9643.
  • Hsiao, C. H.; Hong, C. W.; Liu, B.-H.; Chen, C. W.; Wu, C. C.; Wang, Y. S.*, Comprehensive molecular imaging of photolabile surface samples with synchronized dual-polarity time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2011, 25 (7), 834-842.
  • Liu, B.-H.; Charkin, O. P.; Klemenko, N.; Chen, C. W.; Wang, Y. S.*, Initial Ionization Reaction in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2010, 114 (33), 10853-10859.
  • Liu, B.-H.; Lee, Y. T.; Wang, Y. S.*, Incoherent Production Reactions of Positive and Negative Ions in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2009, 20 (6), 1078-1086.