研究設施 / 實驗站

End Stations for Gas Phase Studies
Ultrafast Laser System

Beamline : BL21B2 (U9)
Contact : Y. Y. Lee, ext. 7114, yylee@nsrrc.org.tw

The ultrafast laser system is set up for combining laser and synchrotron radiation pulses to perform a wide variety of pump/probe experiments in either gas phase or condensed phase. Short temporal width of the laser pulse makes possible the investigation of ultrafast relaxation phenomena using time-resolved, two-photon excitation experiments.

The research interests cover the studies of the dynamics of the photodissociation, photoionization/photoemission of radicals produced by the photodissociation of molecules, and gas phase two-photon absorption spectroscopy.

Major equipment includes a mode-locked Ti:Sapphire laser system modified to operate synchronously with the synchrotron radiation pulses at TLS. Moreover, the laser system provides a broad wavelength-tuning range (210nm -2.8 μm), intense photon flux (~5×10 18 photon/sec, max) with short pulse width( <2×10 -12 sec).

Ultrafast Laser System