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The 3rd AOFSRR School Hosted by NSRRC in Taiwan from November 3rd to 8th, 2019
Students performed experiments and analyzed data at various endstations.
The Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR) was formally established in 2006. The current members include Australia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Its objective is to strengthen collaboration among the synchrotron radiation (SR) facilities and to promote SR sciences and accelerator-based research in the Asia-Oceania region.

The 3rd AOFSRR School was hosted by the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) in Taiwan from November 3rd to 8th. Targeting graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, young scientists and engineers from the member countries, the School was attended by 47 students from 10 countries.

The program began with an introduction, given by Prof. Michael James, who currently leads the Science Team at the Australian Synchrotron. Academician Yu Wang lectured on fundamental of crystallography, an experimental science that is crucial to scientific research in the field of SR. Other lectures and practical sessions across a range of SR techniques were mainly presented by the NSRRC scientists. Students were divided into groups to perform experiments and analyze data at various endstations. Each group had to present the results of their experiment, and the best group was given the prize. The one-week program offered students a great opportunity not only to learn more about SR techniques, but also to meet other young people who are interested in pursuing a career in SR related fields.