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Bon-Chu Chung, TWAS, The World Academy of Sciences, NSRRC
NSRRC BOT Member, Academician Bon-Chu Chung, Elected Fellow to The World Academy of Sciences
Founded in 1983, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) works to advance science and engineering for sustainable prosperity in the developing world. So far TWAS has elected 1,278 Fellows, including 60 from Taiwan. Academician Bon-Chu Chung, a distinguished research fellow at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Molecular Biology, currently serves on the NSRRC Board of Trustees; she is among the 2020 class of new Fellows that includes the highest proportion of women ever elected to the Academy in a single year. With her achievements in elucidating the regulation of steroids, delineating the functions of steroids in zebrafish, and discovering the mechanism of neurosteroid actions, she was elected Fellow in the category of Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology. Not only her personal successes are recognized, but also the country she represents is acknowledged for promoting science globally.