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20231205_APXPS 2023 (第十屆近室壓X光光電子能譜術國際會議)S.jpg 20231205_APXPS 2023
20231023_30th Anniversary of Operation (光源啟用三十週年慶) 20231023_30th Anniversary of Operation
20231023_30th Anniversary of Operation (光源啟用三十週年慶合 20231023_30th Anniversary of Operation (Group Photo)
20231023_29th Users' Meeting and Workshops S.jpg 20231023_29th Users' Meeting and Workshops
20231024第三屆光環論文獎(Outstanding Paper Award 2023) 20231024_Outstanding Paper Award 2023
20230731 Summer Internship (2023年先進光源暑期科學實習)s.jpg 2023/07/31_Summer Internship
20230703FELs.jpg 2023/07/03_2023 Summer School on FEL
20230628_SACs.jpg 2023/06/28_SAC
20230406_TJK21_1s.jpg 20230406_ 21st Taiwan-Japan-Korea Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
20220830_28th Users' Meeting and Workshops S.jpg 20220830_28th Users' Meeting and Workshops
20201110_26th Users' Meeting and Workshopss.jpg 2020/11/10_26th Users' Meeting and Workshops
20190917_25th Users' Meeting and WorkshopsS.jpg 2019/09/17_25th Users' Meeting and Workshops
20190716_SACs.jpg 2019/07/16_SAC
20180911_24th Users' Meeting and Workshopss.jpg 2018/09/11_24th Users' Meeting and Workshops
20180608_SACs.jpg 2018/06/08_SAC
20180511_6-1 BOTs.jpg 2018/05/11_6-1 BOT
IMG_7143m_rs.jpg 2017/03/01_Workshop on Data Collection and Analysis of X-ray Nanodiffraction
FEL2017school_group_photo_rs.jpg 2017/01/19_2017 Winter School on FEL
IMG_6790_rs.JPG 2017/01/04_Press Conference for Max Planck-NSRRC/NCTU/NTHU Center for Complex Phase Materilas Establised in Taiwan
2017年用戶執行委員會委員們合影_rs.jpg 2016/12/20_2017 User Executive Committee
2016092022nd Users Meeting_210x160s.jpg 2016/09/20_22nd Users' Meeting and Workshops
IMG_5157rs.JPG 2016/09/05_Summer School on Magnetic Study Using Large Facilities
20160812NTHU-NSRRC Summer Course 2016_210x160.jpg 2016/08/12_NTHU-NSRRC Summer Course
20160704Summer Internship 2016r_210x160.jpg 2016/07/04_Summer Internship
IMG_3492-b_210x160.jpg 2016/06/25_Science speeches for general public and fossil exhibition
IMG_2806-bmr_210x160.jpg 2016/06/04_Workshop on TPS Beamline Commissioning
IMG_0947-bms_210x160.jpg 2016/03/23_2016 International Workshop on Bragg Coherent Diffractive Imaging
IMG_9919-bm_210x160.jpg 2016/01/18_Winter School on Free Electron Lasers 2016
IXS 2015團體照_210x160.jpg 2015/11/22_9th International Conference on Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS 2015)
IMG_7477-b_210x160.jpg 2015/11/04_Workshop for NSRRC/TKU–Soochow University–WesternUniversity Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
Group photo s_IMG_6944rs_210x160.jpg 2015/11/01_Student Seminar of University of Tsukuba with Universities in Taiwan
IMG_6802-b1_210x160.jpg 2015/10/25_19th International Magnetic Measurement Workshop (IMMW19)
Taiwan Russia_團體照二rs小圖.jpg 2015/10/19_Taiwan-Russia Symposium on Radiation Technology
NSRRC-IPR_Group Photo_IMG_5961ms小圖.jpg 2015/09/30_Joint International Symposium of NSRRC and IPR: Establishment of Structural Biology Network in Asia
UM2015_76A0340小圖.jpg 2015/09/09_21st Users' Meeting & Workshops
HERCULES_團體照IMG_4950r小圖.jpg 2015/07/06_Asia-Pacific Edition of HERCULES in TAIWAN
第六屆加速器與探測器亞洲論壇(AFAD)小圖.jpg 2015/01/26_Asian Forum for Accelerators and Detectors (AFAD 2015)
AOFSRR2014_MG_4071 拷貝小圖.jpg 2014/09/15_8th Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR 2014)
UM2014_ok_2459小圖.jpg 2014/09/10_20th Users' Meeting & Workshops
20140801新卸任主任交接典禮團體照-小圖.jpg 2014/08/01_Directorship Handover Ceremony
20130904用戶年會暨光源啟用二十週年回顧合影s.jpg 2013/09/04_Annual Users' Meeting & 20th Anniversary of Operation
_MG_5173-b_210_160.jpg 2013/09/04_Annual Users' Meeting
IMG_0267_210_160.jpg 2012/08/29_18th Users' Meeting
IMG_6627-b_210_160.JPG 2011/10/19_17th Users' Meeting
IMG_3483-1m2_210_160.jpg 2010/10/20_16th Users' Meeting
15thUserMeeting160_106.jpg 2009/10/15_15th Users' Meeting
14thUsersMeeting_s.jpg 2008/10/08_14th Users' Meeting
group-5421-profs2.jpg 2007/11/01_2nd AOFSRR
MAC_group_6840s2.jpg 2007/06/04_MAC
NSRRC第二屆董事會暨同仁合照20070903-4s2.jpg 2007/03/05_BOT