SMPW Project Milestones (SMPW: Superconducting Multipole Wiggler)
2016/05 Sign contract with SLRI
2016/08 CDR
2016/12 DDR
2018/06 Factory acceptance test at NSRRC
2018/07 Installation
2018/08 Training and commissioning
Made in Taiwan
General parameters of SMPW
Peak field strength, B0 3.5 T @ 257 A
Period length, λ 77 mm
Number of main periods, N 6
Pole gap 22.5 mm
Superconductor NbTi
Energy 129.1 kJ @ 257 A (157.1 kJ @ 297 A)
Total radiation power 2.12 kW @ 257 A (2.67 kW @ 297 A)
Performance of SMPW
Items Specification Measurement
Peak field@ Current, B0 @ A  3.5 T > 3.58T@260A
Good field region (GFR), ± 25 mm ΔB/B ≤ 0.5% ΔB/B ≤ 0.45%
Vertical first field integral (Iy) ≤100 211.8, w/o corrector
Horizontal first field integral (Ix) ≤100, w/o corrector
Vertical second field integral (IIy) ≤ 2 × 104 G.cm2 5730 G.cm2, w/o corrector
Horizontal second field integral (IIx) ≤2 × 104 G.cm2 -1080 G.cm2, w/o corrector
Integral multipole error - quadrupole ≤100 G -25.5 G @ ± 18mm
Integral multipole error - sextupole ≤100 G/cm -49.8 G/cm@ ± 18mm
Integral multipole error - octupole ≤100 G/cm2 13.9 G/cm2@±18mm